Spiritual Mind Jogging

Which are YOU?
Religiously spiritual 
Spiritually religious                           
Just religious
Just spiritual
Something else

Question: How would you classify a person who is...
compassionate; loving in nature; helpful; kind; considerate; unselfish; a good listener; uses civil language; trustworthy; honest; self-responsible; peaceful; virtuous; a person of integrity and moral character?                                                                                         

Classification:  Religious?  Spiritual?  Atheist?  Agnostic?  Witch?  Christian?  Hindu?  Muslim?  Buddhist? Another religion? /// American? Canadian?  British?  Chinese?  Russian?  Another nationality?  How about skin color?  

How do you come to your conclusions?  Can you be sure that a classification you have chosen is absolutely accurate?     

Present this Mind Jogger to your friends.

  Jog Your Minds Together